Thursday, November 2, 2017

Share Your Story

Image of a computer and book with the words "Share Your Story" and the modern moodle blog website (

This blog was designed to share innovative ways in which Moodle can be used to enhance instruction. Our goal is both to inform and inspire educators to rethink the way in which instruction in delivered. We believe that the best way to do this is to share real stories – your stories.  We would like to invite you to contribute to this blog; thus making it a product of the amazingly innovative and creative teachers of Wayne County.  If your students are benefitting from the power of Moodle, please email Michelle Wagner at We would love to showcase your experiences on

We look forward to hearing, sharing, and learning from your stories!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking effort to share such a useful information. I will definitely share this Moodle Web Development Company


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