Utilizing the H5P Interactive Content allows teachers to customize the appearance and layout of their posts/assignments. This type of customization is both visually appealing and functional. This post will focus on the Collage feature, but we will delve into the other interactive components in the future.
Within your Moodle course, add a new activity.
Next, select the H5P Interactive Content choice and select Add.
At this point, you could select any of the amazing options included within H5P, but for now, we will focus on the Collage.
Click the Use button in order to specify exactly how you would like the Collage to appear within your Moodle course. You will be able to move the images around by dragging them. You can also select an image and then use the + or - keys on your keyboard to zoom or simply hold down the Z key while moving your mouse wheel. In other words, users have a great deal of control over the way in which images are displayed.
Once you are satisfied with the settings, click Save and Display in order to view the Collage within your Moodle course.
I like to select Save and Display because it instantly allows me to view activity and ensure that it appears exactly as I intended.
Once I turn editing off, I am able to see what the newly added activity truly looks like within my Moodle course. As you can see, it appears like a traditional assignment or post.